But if we have are only sort to use electrical resistance hitter brother than hitman how much electrical energy would in in order to reliever the same one? So in be part electrical energy required to deliver the sea, let us see it.

It would be 13 point to do So this is the answer off part it it be. Really Upon heart, it's 17 or to 73.1 pipe. Is he a pawn ticket? This is one dude temperature off Children Seles minus fight for to 73.15 minus five. Do it Amount of the heat transfer to which we have to fight Remembering it for heat pump you see is greater than zero And you witch, It's less than you so QC upon huge will be minus Do you see upon th And it will give amount of the heat you etch transferred and hard with their way Well, we w upon one minus. The barber here outside acting as an air conditioner in the part eight if from Britcher off old here it minus five baby searches that hard Here it 17.0 researches foot Well done one. Here it is given Ah, heat pump is a heat engine run in rivers in bitter inventor It pumps heat from the cold air outside into the bar Here, inside the building maintaining building temperature comfortable in summer it bumps hit from the cooler cooler here inside the building. Notice that this behavior is opposite to the dependence of the efficiency of a Carnot heat engine on the difference in the reservoir temperatures. Show that the beat pump delivers less heat for each joule of electrical energy used to operate the unit as the outside temperature decreases. (a) If the outside temperature in winter is -5.0^$. In summer it pumps heat from the cooler air inside the building to the warmer air outside, acting as an air conditioner.

In winter it pumps heat from the cold air outside into the warmer air inside the building, maintaining the building at a comfortable temperature. A heat pump is a heat engine run in reverse. The average temperature of the kitchen is $23^$ Assuming reasonable values for the average product density, specific heat, and porosity (the fraction of air volume in a box), recommend reasonable values for $(a)$ the water velocity through the channel and ( $b$ ) the refrigeration capacity of the refrigeration system.SOLVED:20.42. The average mass of the pan and its contents is 5 kg.

But he says he can be convinced if you can show that the money saved is significant. Despite this commonsense recommendation, a person keeps cooking a large pan of stew three times a week and putting the pan into the refrigerator while it is still hot, thinking that the money saved is probably too little. It is commonly recommended that hot foods be cooled first to room temperature by simply waiting a while before they are put into the refrigerator to save energy.